What product to purchase for WSE 2019 Essentials experience?


Hi there, I recently upgraded my Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials to WSE 2019 and, as many others I discovered that the Essentials Dashboard was gone. I understand that I can buy a software from your website to manage to install the Essentials Experience om my WSE 2019 server. How do I do this in an automated way? Or do I have to buy one of your software solutions and THEN get the Essentials addon from your site?

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Best Answer

Alas, I’m afraid that Windows Server 2019 Essentials is an abomination! Not only did Microsoft remove the (beloved) Windows Server Essentials Experience (WSEE) server role from it, but they also removed all of the Remote Desktop Services (RDS) server roles from it as well. As a result, there is no way to make the Anywhere Access/Remote Web Access functionality of Essentials work on it (seeing as it is missing the required Remote Desktop Gateway server role). Therefore, if you want to have that feature work on your 2019-based Essentials server, then you MUST use the Standard or Datacenter edition of Windows Server 2019 instead.

That being said… If I were you, I’d simply return my copy of Windows Server 2019 Essentials and purchase a copy of Windows Server 2016 Essentials instead (which is fully supported by Microsoft for many years to come). Seeing as that’s probably the best route for you to take here.

Other than that… If you don’t need/want the Anywhere Access/Remote Web Access functionality on your 2019-based Essentials server, then you can indeed still manually install WSEE on Windows Server 2019 Essentials by following the instructions I’ve provided here.

Lastly, we DO NOT sell the WSEE Installer. It is only made available (free of charge) to our existing customers. If you’d like to use the WSEE Installer to automatically install WSEE on Windows Server 2019, then you can purchase ANY of our products, and then request the download password for the WSEE Installer by simply contacting us with the User Name from the license of your newly (or previously) purchased product.

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