error attempting to enable Work Folders


This was my first time attempting to set up work folders. I didn’t get far. I already have remote access set up. The error message was “Request to install role on the specified server failed. The referenced assembly could not be found. Error 0x80073701”

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Strange as I’ve never come across that one before. From the screenshot you’ve provided, it appears that the PowerShell cmdlet being used to enable the Work Folders server role on your server is failing due to a missing referenced assembly (but it doesn’t indicate which assembly is missing).

Have you tried restarting your server, and then running the “Enable Work Folders” task in the server Dashboard again?

Other than that, you can try signing in to the desktop of your server as an administrator, opening the Server Manager, and then manually adding the Work Folders server role to your server (Server Roles -> File and Storage Services -> File and iSCSI Services -> Work Folders). After that, go back and try running the “Enable Work Folders” task again in the server Dashboard.

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I’ve tried manually adding the Work Folders role through the Server Manager on the server itself, but this didn’t work, either (see image). Thanks for trying to help me.

On another topic: I’ve been working with Microsoft engineers for six months, trying to get my WS16E system to recover client files from backup, and they can’t fix this simple file restoration issue. Not being able to install your Work Folders add-on is the last straw. I’m fed up with my WS16E system. I’m going to build a new WS22S system and use your installer to add the Essentials app to it. I bought a copy of Work Folders today and will install it on the new new server.

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Well since you’re getting the exact same error when attempting to add the Work Folders server role manually via the Server Manager, that indicates to me that the error has nothing to do with the WSE WorkFolders add-in. Rather, it’s something that’s missing from the server itself that’s causing the issue. You could try opening up the Event Viewer applet and looking in there for the logged error to see if it gives a better indication of what referenced assembly is missing. As I’ve mentioned previously, I’ve never encountered such an issue before, and so I don’t know where else to go form here without knowing that information.

As for building a Windows Server 2022 system… Just contact us with the User Name from the license of your purchased product, and we’ll provide you with access to the WSEE Installer.

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