RDS CALs needed ?


Hi !

I would like to try WSE RemoteApp 2016 on a 2016 essentials server, but I am wondering:

  • do I need to purchase RDS CALs ?
  • how do I make sure the program I wish to run is compatible ? (it is a propriatary accounting program that is installed on the server and presently can be lauched from the local network PCs)

This latter point is in case I do have to buy RDS CALs in order to try RemoteApp..

Thank you !

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For your first question… Please see: Microsoft Licensing

For your second question… As long as the (accounting, etc.) program can be installed directly onto the server running Windows Server Essentials, and will run successfully from a standard Remote Desktop Connection (i.e. assuming that the author hasn’t specifically blocked it from being run remotely), then it should indeed work just fine with WSE RemoteApp. That being said, WSE RemoteApp has a fully functional 21-day evaluation period, and so the best thing for you to do is to install the add-in on your server, publish the program as a RemoteApp program in WSE RemoteApp, and then check for yourself to see if it works as desired.

  • Jack.fr
    Thank you Mike. I’ll give it a try then…
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