Could not create SSL/TLS secure after installing Exchange


Just recently installed Windows Server 2022 Standard edition, that I “converted” to Swedish language.

Installed WSEE with the installer that I got from you.

Installation went well and everything was working fine.

After installing Exchange Server 2019 I get this error every time I start the Dashboard:

I have tried one of the “voodoo” fixes I read about as an answer in the support forum here, to shut down the server for a while and turn it back on. But that did not work.

The Event Viewer show an error on the WindowsServerEssentialsExperience with the following text:
Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel while validating the WSEE Installer license. Restart the server to resolve this issue.
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Web Exception Status: 10 (SecureChannelFailure)“.

Subsequent fault is that neither the USERS nor the DEVICES tabs get populated with any users or devices.

I feel that the Exchange installation changed a setting for secure connections, but I do not know where.

PS. I understand that you want to have control over your software, but why on earth are you adding sources of problems and errors, in an otherwise functioning software? DS.

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Good Answer

Windows Server Essentials Experience is NOT compatible with Exchange Server. Installing Exchange Server on an Essentials server will completely hose the server’s IIS configuration, etc., and is most definitely the cause of the issue that you’re now experiencing.

Microsoft does support running Exchange Server on a completely separate member server that is joined to your existing Windows Server Essentials domain, but it is NOT supported to install Exchange Server directly on your existing Essentials server. For more info on that see:

Integrate an On-Premises Exchange Server with Windows Server Essentials

Install Exchange 2016 on WSE 2016

You’ll most likely need to completely start over from scratch (or restore the server from a backup prior to when you first installed Exchange Server onto it) seeing as I don’t believe that you’ll be able to manually unroll all of the changes/problems that result from installing Exchange on the Essentials server.

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Thank you for the answer. Although unsupported as you say, I was able to get Windows Server 2016 Essentials to work with Exchange 2016 and the Essentials Experience with the dashboard.

As I see it, it should work now as well with WS 2022 Standard and Exchange 2019. Mind you, I am not trying to integrate Exchange into the Essentials experience.

The only thing that is not working is the extra added license check on the WSEE installer. Is that not possible to turn off somehow? I do not understand in which end (my server or your server) it is failing? Is my server sending with or without TLS/SSL?

I paid 50USD to get the installer, since the manual instructions seem to be incomplete, given that I ALWAYS in any server version 2019 or 2022, fail at 70% progress. (Something about the cert server failing. I did not save the errors in the Event Viewer). So I am not too happy about the answer, as you can tell.

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No, there is no way to turn off the licensing check seeing as that would completely defeat its purpose now wouldn’t it.

Since I have no way of knowing what has been done to the Essentials configuration, etc. when you installed Exchange Server on your Essentials server, I am unable to tell you how to correct the issue I’m afraid. I image that it’s something trivial though (I’d probably start by investigating the implementation of TLS 1.1/1.2 on the server).

That being said… If you are not happy with your purchase, then you can simply request a refund seeing as we offer a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy on all of our products. Just note that once a refund has been provided, the WSEE Installer license will be deactivated, and WSEE will need to be uninstalled from your server (as it will cease working).

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