Cannot uninstall WSE RemoteApp


We’re trying to resolve some issues with WSE RemoteApp, and have finally decided to un/reinstall. It’s listed in programs, but nothing can be done to modify it. It cannot be double clicked, right clicked, etc. Everything else in the programs list works normally. What is the best way of uninstalling this in this case? TIA

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Best Answer

To uninstall WSE RemoteApp from the server and from all computers on the network:

1. Make sure that all of your client computers are online and connected to your Essentials network so that the client-side (i.e. Launchpad) components of the add-in can be removed from them.

2. Open the server Dashboard and go to the “APPLICATIONS” page.

3. Select (highlight) the “WSE RemoteApp” add-in in the list of installed add-ins.

4. Click on the “Remove the add-in” task and follow the on-screen prompts.

5. Restart the server Dashboard application to finish uninstalling the add-in.

6. Restart the Launchpad application on each of your computers on the network to finish uninstalling the add-in. This can be done by clicking on the ‘X’ located in the upper right-hand corner of the Launchpad application’s window, and then double-clicking on the Windows Server Essentials Connector notification area icon to open it again (or by right-clicking on the Windows Server Essential Connector notification area icon and selecting “Open Launchpad” from its context menu).

NOTE: If it is not possible to have all of the computers on the network online, then you can manually uninstall the client-side components of the add-in from any computer on the network at a later time by uninstalling the “Client Connector for WSE RemoteApp …” program via the Control Panel’s “Programs and Features” (“Add or Remove Programs“) applet.

Lastly, please note that uninstalling WSE RemoteApp will remove all of its published RemoteApp programs and settings. Therefore, you might want to make a note of the applications that you currently have published (as well as any properties/settings that you may have changed) so that you can publish them again once you have reinstalled the add-in.

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Unfortunately it doesn’t show in the applications list any longer. The dashboard was taking almost 10 minutes to load each time, and it prompted to disable WSE and I did. I didn’t think it would uninstall/remote it, but apparently it did. Is there any type of uninstaller I could download from somewhere? Maybe a repair installation?


Well, I take that back. I don’t know what changed or how, but I can view it in the dashboard now. It is now throwing an error that it could not validate the license. I registered it again with our original information, it gave me a green check, and shows “about – registered!” in the task bar, but still throws that error every time I try to access RemoteApp programs. Is closing out of dashboard enough or do I need to restart a service? TIA

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Glad to hear that you got the add-in uninstalled/re-installed. As for the error you are getting… Did you install the most recent release of WSE RemoteApp (which, as of this writing, is Version 1.255.1278.3)? There were issues with some of the older releases of WSE RemoteApp that require the latest version be installed in order to correct.

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It wasn’t reinstalled, it just started showing up again. I have no idea why. I believe something is corrupt, thus the reason for wanting to un/reinstall. Do we have access to the latest version? This is licensed to <<SNIP>>. Thanks!

  • Mike
    According to our records, you have two WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 licenses. One is a Starter Edition license that has a valid “Updates and Support” option until 12/7/2017. The other is a Basic Edition license that is more than two years old now, and it does not currently have a valid “Updates and Support” option. Thus, you will need to purchase a license renewal (which is available in one year, two years, three years, or lifetime timeframes) for your Basic Edition license in order for you to be able to install the latest version of the product (see the “Updates and Support” section of our Policy page for more information).
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Also, could you please point me to where I might download the 1.137.1137.1137 installer if our license doesn’t include the latest version?

  • Mike
    We do not provide access to older versions of our products seeing as only the most recent release is officially supported. Additionally, in order to enhance secure communications between our products and our web server moving forward, changes were made to the web server’s backend which unfortunately resulted in many older versions of our products no longer being able to connect to the web server. Thus, versions of our products older than Version 1.245.1245.1245 will require that the latest release of the product be installed in order for them to continue functioning.
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I’m pretty sure the one in question is the old one. Is there any way to check? I found our old confirmation email, the registration code ends in: 45313202F. How much would it cost to get the updated version? Thanks!

  • Mike
    Yes, that one is your “Basic Edition” license. It was purchased back on 10/22/2014. As per our Pricing page (for Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials), you can purchase a one year “WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 License Renewal (Basic Edition)” for only $50 USD. Doing so will renew the “Updates and Support” option on that “Basic Edition” license for another full year, allowing you to be able to install the latest version of the product, as well as continue to receive technical support for it for another full year.
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