Windows XP Remote Web Access Connections

2012    Posted Posted by Mike     Comments Comments off     Modified Last updated: May 4, 2018

To successfully connect to WHS Office Web Access, WHS RemoteApp Web Access, WHS Outlook Web Access, WHS QuickBooks Web Access, and/or WHS Quicken Web Access via the server’s built-in Remote Web Access website under Windows XP:

1. Select “Remote Web Access” from the Launchpad application.

2. Sign in to the server’s Remote Web Access website.

3. Click the add-in’s “Connect” button.

4. If you are presented with an error message that reads “The Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client is not turned on“, click on the “What is the Remote Desktop Services ActiveX client?” link, and follow the instructions provided on the web page that opens.

5. Select “Manage Add-ons” from Internet Explorer’s “Tools” menu.

6. In the Manage Add-ons window that opens, select/highlight “Microsoft RDP Client Control” or “Microsoft Terminal Services Client ActiveX Control“, click the “Enable” option, and click “OK” (or “Close“).

7. Click the add-in’s “Connect” button again (as per step 3 above).

8. If you are presented with an error message that reads “A newer version of the Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client is required“, click on the “Download the latest version from the Microsoft Web Site” link, and download and install the latest Remote Desktop Connection client update as instructed.

9. Click the add-in’s “Connect” button again.

NOTE: You will need to sign-in to the built-in Remote Web Access website again (as per steps 1 & 2 above) if a server restart was required after installing the Remote Desktop Connection client update.

10. If you are presented with any of the following error messages:

• “Your computer can’t connect to the remote computer because an error occurred on the remote computer you want to connect to. Contact your network administrator for assistance.

• “An error occurred while sending data to the Remote Desktop Gateway Server. The server is temporarily unavailable or a network connection is down. Try again later, or contact your network administrator for assistance.

• “Your computer can’t connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is temporarily unavailable. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.”

Then you will need to turn on the Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) by clicking on the “Fix it” (or “Download“) button or link on the following web page:

KB951608 – Description of the Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) in Windows XP Service Pack 3

INFO: The KB951608 article link appears to be dead now. However, you can still (at least for the time being anyway) download the Microsoft Fix it 50588 (Turn on CredSSP) file directly from Microsoft here.

NOTE: CredSSP is turned off by default in Windows XP SP3, but it is required in order to successfully connect to WHS Office Web Access, WHS RemoteApp Web Access, WHS Outlook web Access, WHS QuickBooks Web Access, and/or WHS Quicken Web Access.

Be sure to restart the server when prompted.

11. Sign-in to the built-in Remote Web Access website again (as per steps 1 & 2 above) and click the add-in’s “Connect” button again (as per step 3 above).

This time you should receive a CredSSP prompt asking you to enter in your log on credentials and the connection to the remote application should now work properly.

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