
If I buy one of your products and download the WSEE add on, will I have to renew the license after a year to keep the WSEE installed on my home server?



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No you do not. You only need to own one of our software products in order to be able to gain access to the WSEE Installer. It doesn’t matter if the software product that you own has a valid “Updates and Support” option on its license (or not) in order for you to be able to continue using the WSEE components that it installed on your server.

That being said… Please do be aware that the WSEE Installer can only be used on a single server. The WSEE Installer uses a Registration Code (that is associated with the User Name from the license of your owned software product) that is “locked” to the underlying hardware that you initially install WSEE on (just as your Product Key for Windows Server is “locked” to the underlying hardware that you initially install Windows Server on). While you can use the WSEE Installer to (re)install WSEE on the same underlying hardware as many times as needed, you cannot use your Registration Key to install WSEE on multiple servers. Rather, each new server install would need to have its very own unique Registration Key that is associated with one of our software products.

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