WSEE Installer onto new server into existing domain


With a new client I have inherited an old server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard. It needs replacing but it also runs the client finance systems but the client does not want to move to an Internet-based finance system just yet.

I have a newer Dell server running Server 2022 Standard, just the basic install for the moment. The aim is to use the WSEE Installer to make it a DC.

Considering the old server is the current DC, what are my best options? My concern is that the WSEE Installer will upset the domain settings as it will try to wrest control from the current server.

Or am I overthinking things? Can I get away with joining the new server to the network and make it an additional DC, then run the WSEE Installer to get the benefits of Essentials, then closing down the old server in 6 months or so? Should I transfer FMSO roles immediately to the new server or wait?

Another option would be to create anew domain with the new server and transfer all the workstations over to it – not really an option I want to do.

Has anyone gone through the same scenario?


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Good Answer

To guarantee success with the WSEE Installer (i.e. with the Windows Server Essentials Experience in general) it is STRONGLY recommended that you start with a brand new/clean (i.e. straight out-of-the-box) install of Windows Server 2019, 2022, or 2025. Anything else will more than likely just end up causing you grief IMHO.

That being said… If it were me, I’d just in place upgrade Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard to Windows Server 2022 Standard, and then after making sure that everything works as expected, go ahead and run the WSEE Installer on it (just make sure that you have a working backup before proceeding as a “just in case”). The Windows Server Essentials Configuration wizard will recognize the existing domain and then configure Essentials on the server accordingly. See…

In-place upgrade of Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 to Windows Server Essentials 2016 on the same hardware

Deploy Windows Server Essentials in an existing Active Directory environment

As for moving that install over to the new server after that… I’m not sure about that one and so you’re on your own there I’m afraid.

Otherwise, I suppose that you could domain join the 2022 server to the existing 2012 R2 domain (using the native tools available in Windows), and then run the WSEE Installer on it. The Essentials config wizard will recognize that the 2022 server is already joined to a domain and will configure Essentials on it as a member server within that existing domain (instead of making it the primary DC). See…

Add Windows Server Essentials as a Member Server

After that, you’d probably need to do a domain migration and move everything over to the member server and then decommission the old server. I’ve not tried doing any of that before, and so again, you’re on your own there I’m afraid. See…

Install Windows Server Essentials as a new replica domain controller

Comment 4482

Best of luck. ; -)

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