WSE RemoteApp Quickbooks to local Outlook


One of the options in Quickbooks is to email invoices/quotes/etc by using Outlook or other email clients.  If Quickbooks as a RemoteApp is configured to do so, will it correctly call the locally installed (e.g. Windows 7) copy of Outlook?  Thanks.

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Alas, I’m afraid not. Without building a custom Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services virtual channel add-in, there is no way for an application installed on the server to communicate with an application that is installed on a client computer over a Remote Desktop connection. Pretty much the best that you can do here is to install an email application (such as Outlook) directly onto the server and then let QuickBooks interact with it for emailing invoices, quotes, etc.

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Alternatively, if you have a web mail account, then you should be able to set it up in QuickBooks as per:

Set up your email service in QuickBooks Desktop

Switch from Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail to web mail or QuickBooks E-mail

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