WSE Remote APP with app on another server


Can I use remote app on my WSEE 2016 server with an app installed on a W2016 Server member?

I Can’t install more then one WSEE server if one of this is a WSE2016, is it correct?

So I have an application installed on my server member 2016 and I would like to publish in remote app running on this server and not on WSEE 2016. Is It Possibile?

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Good Answer

The RemoteApp programs that you publish via WSE RemoteApp 2016 MUST be installed directly on the Essentials server itself (i.e. they cannot be installed on a separate member server).

You can run multiple Essentials servers (set up via the WSEE server role) on the same domain as long as they are deployed as member servers.

i.e. You CANNOT have two Windows Server Essentials SKUs running on the same domain, but you CAN have two Windows Server Standard/Datacenter with the Windows Server Essentials Experience (WSEE) server role added both running on the same domain (running as member servers). Or, you CAN have one Windows Server Essentials SKU and one Windows Server Standard/Datacenter with the Windows Server Essentials Experience (WSEE) server role added (running as a member server) both running on the same domain.

For more info see:

Enabling multiple instances of Windows Server Essentials Experience in your environment

  • Fritz77
    I’ve a WSE2016 with wsee installed and a w2016 standard member server but when I try to install WSEE Experience on member server it fails. is it normal?
  • Mike
    I have never really attempted to run multiple instances of Essentials in the same environment before, and so I can’t say for sure exactly what’s going on there. I suppose it’s possible that all of the Essentials servers must be running Standard or Datacenter with the WSEE server role added (i.e. maybe you can’t do it when one of the servers is running the stand-alone Essentials SKU instead of the role). For something like this (i.e. for general support with Essentials), you’re probably much better off asking your question over in Microsoft’s Windows Server Essentials Q&A forum where it will reach a broader audience.
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