WSE Remote App (Server 2019) Hangs with MS Cloud


When I go to make a change to a user in the Dashboard, the system “hangs” on “Applying Changes” due to Microsoft Cloud Services account configuration.  How do I turn off Cloud Services or Fix this issue?

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That doesn’t sound like an issue with WSE RemoteApp, but more of an issue with Essentials itself (and/or with your particular server configuration), and I don’t “officially” provide technical support for Essentials.

That being said… How exactly do you know that it’s the Microsoft Cloud Services integration stuff that’s causing the hang? Also, when you make the change to a user, how exactly are you doing that (e.g. from the “USERS” tab of the server Dashboard, etc.)? Lastly, have you ever physically gone in and enabled any of the Microsoft Cloud Services on your server (and if so, which ones)?

As for turning off the Microsoft Cloud Services integration stuff in Essentials… You can do that by opening the server Dashboard, clicking on the “Settings” link (which is located in the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard window), clicking on the “Safe Mode” tab, and then right-clicking on any of the Microsoft Cloud Services add-ins (e.g. Azure Backup, Azure Recovery, Azure VNET, Exchange Server Integration, Hosted Email Integration, Mobile Devices, and/or OFFICE 365), selecting “Disable” from the context menu that appears, clicking on the “OK” button to save your changes, and then restarting the server Dashboard.

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