WSE Client Update not working


Hi Guys

I update WSE Remote App 2016 on my server and made sure to select the option to update on the client pc’s aswell.

Now when I login to the WSE RemoteApp 2016 Connector I see the following notice about updating. I click the “yes” button, the screen disappears and then nothing happens.

How is the client update meant to work???



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In Windows Server Essentials, whenever you install/update an add-in, the contents of the add-in’s .wssx installer file get sent over to the server, and then the server-side components within it get installed onto the server itself. After the server-side installation has completed, and assuming that you choose the option to “install the add-in on network computers” in the installation wizard, the add-in’s client-side components are then distributed out to (and installed on) your network computers (i.e. on all of your network computers that have the Windows Server Essentials Connector software/Launchpad installed on them).

That entire process is orchestrated by the server, and it usually happens immediately, but sometimes it can take a while (i.e. up to 24 hours) for the client-side components to get distributed out to (and installed on) all of your client computers. That being said, you can force it to happen as follows:

  1. Make sure that your client computers are switched on and connected to your network (and that the users are successfully signed in to the Launchpad application).
  2. Open the server Dashboard application, and then go to the “APPLICATIONS” page.
  3. Select the “WSE RemoteApp” add-in in the list of installed add-ins, and then click on the “Install the add-in on network computers” task.

Doing that “should” trigger the process that installs/updates the client-side components of the add-in on all of your online network computers. If for some reason, it doesn’t, then you can also try doing the following:

  1. Make sure that your client computer of interest is switched on and connected to your network (and that the user is successfully signed in to the Launchpad application).
  2. On the client computer, open the “Task Scheduler” app, and go to the following location: Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Windows Server Essentials (or: Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Windows Server)
  3. Select the “Add-in Management” (or “InstallAddIns“) task, and click on the “Run” action.

Doing that will force run the scheduled task that installs/updates add-ins on the client computer (i.e. it will force the server to distribute the client-side components of the add-in out to the client computer and begin the installation process). Basically, this is what “should” be happening when you answer “Yes” to the prompt that you’ve shown in your attached screenshot.

Lastly, please note that after the installation process you may receive notifications telling you that the server and/or clients need to be restarted. These are simply generic notifications that are displayed during the installation of any Essentials add-in. However, WSE RemoteApp is designed not to require a server or client restart when installing/updating the add-in. Thus, you can safely ignore those restart required notifications.

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Thanks Mike, that was a great explanation.

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