WSE 2016 | Will the programs keep running?


Hello Mike.

When I start a RemoteApp through the Launcher and later I disconnect my computer from the server, will the program still running? – I want to use it for simulation programs that need to be running 4-5 days.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

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Best Answer

Yes, they sure will.

As long as you “disconnect” the WSE RemoteApp session (and not “sign out” of it completely), and you don’t restart the server (to install updates, etc.), then any programs that are running in the disconnected session will be available (just as you left them) the very next time you reconnect a WSE RemoteApp session (even if it’s days or months later, and even if it’s reconnected from a completely different computer/device).

Note that this also assumes that you haven’t enabled the “Sign out disconnected sessions after …” setting via the add-in’s “Remote Desktop Session Settings” task.

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That sounds brilliant…

Is it needed to allow Launchpad Access and Remote Web Access to start a WSE RemoteApp session? – I only allowed Launchpad Access during trial period and a connection is not possible.

Thanks again for your advice!

  • Mike
    I’m not quite sure that I am following you on this one… When you allow access for a user in WSE RemoteApp, they are automatically allowed (local) Launchpad access (via the add-in’s Desktop/Start menu shortcuts on their client computer, or via the server’s Launchpad application that is installed on their client computer). Remote Web Access (RWA) is only allowed for a user (via the server’s built-in RWA website) if you have set up Anywhere Access/RWA on your server, and if you have granted the user access to RWA in the server Dashboard.
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