WSE 2012 R2 after client upgrades to Win 10


We are having a problem with client workstations losing WSE connectivity after upgrading the client OS to WIndows 10 Pro. We reload the Windows Connector to the network but WSE acts like it is loading but doesnt get there. Is there a recommended way to unload and then reload WSE after changing the client OS?

thank you.

Mike Schneider

  • MIke Schneider asked 9 years ago
  • last edited 9 years ago
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Best Answer

The installer program for the WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 add-in’s client-side connector installs a completely different set of files on newer Windows 10 client computers than it does on older Windows 7 or Windows 8 client computers. Therefore, if you have upgraded your Windows 7/8 client computers to Windows 10, while the WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 client-side connector was installed on them, then you will need to uninstall the client-side connector from those client computers, and then reinstall it again in order to get the proper set of files installed for use with Windows 10.

You can do that using the client computer’s “*Programs and Features*” Control Panel applet to uninstall the “Client Connector for WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2” (or “WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 32-bit/64-bit Add-in Deployment“) program (and repeating the uninstall process on all of your newly upgraded Windows 10 client computers), and then opening the server’s Dashboard application, going to the “APPLICATIONS” page, clicking on the “WSE RemoteApp” add-in, and running its “Install the add-in on network computers” task in order to reinstall its client-side connector software on the Windows 10 client computer(s) that it was uninstalled from.

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