Work Folders for iOS App


I have WorkFolders working on my Windows clients and I am trying to connect using my iPhone. Every time I try to log on, I receive the bad username or password error. I am using the Microsoft supplied URL.

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First off, the “Work Folders URL” that you would use within the iOS Work Folders app wouldn’t be supplied by Microsoft, but rather it would be the one that is supplied/specified by the “Enable Work Folders” task as shown in this screen capture. Basically, it should looks something like:

Where 8443 is the port number that you choose to use when you first enabled Work Folders (with 8443 being the default/suggested port number). And that port number needs to be properly forwarded to the (static) IP address of your server within your network router (assuming that you’re not using UPnP port forwarding).

Lastly, the User Name that you provide to the iOS Work Folders app most likely doesn’t (i.e. shouldn’t) need to include the domain name. For example, try using just eaddy instead of rhylinimages\eaddy.

As far as I know, there isn’t any problem with connecting from the iOS Work Folders app, but I can’t say for sure since I don’t use iOS, and so I have no way to test it out here. However, I can say for certain that the Android Work Folders app works just fine, and so I would have to assume that the iOS one does as well (that and no one else is reporting an issue with it at this time).

Good luck!

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