Work Folders add in



If my understanding is correct with this feature installed:

A local copy of a company folder (located on the server with all its files) on my PC and make any changes to the local copy it automatically updates the server?

all the client PCs are remote and not joined to the domain but can access files using access anywhere.

Does this need the connector software installed?



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Best Answer

Your understanding is indeed correct. Basically, you set up a storage location on your Essentials server where all of the user’s work files are to be stored. Then, you install a Work Folders client on each of the user’s devices (i.e. the native “Work Folders” client that’s located in the Control Panel on Windows devices, or one of the Microsoft-provided “Work Folders” apps that are available for Android and iOS). The users can then access their work files directly from their client devices, and the files are kept in sync with the server. For further details see:

WSE WorkFolders 2016 / 2012 R2

Lastly, please do note that Work Folders is Microsoft tech. It has nothing to do with Windows Server Essentials per see. The WSE WorkFolders add-in simply allows you to be able to use Microsoft’s Work Folders server role on Windows Server Essentials (since you normally cannot), and nicely integrates it into the familiar Essentials server Dashboard for ease of use, etc. Your client PCs do not need to be joined to the domain (as long as they are Windows 8 or greater), and the Windows Server Essentials connector software (i.e. the Launchpad, etc.) doesn’t need to be installed on the clients (since they will be using the native “Work Folders” client instead). However, if you’d like to take advantage of WSE WorkFolders’ selective wipe feature (for blocking access to any compromised client PCs), then you would need to have the connector software installed on your client PCs as is mentioned here:

Revoke Access to Work Files on Compromised Computers

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