Windows Server Essentials Dashboard



I have recently upgraded Essentials to 2019 from 2016 but as a total novice I’m struggling without the dashboard. We got a recon server and bought the 2016 licence from a company and it came with a free upgrade. As it’s been quiet over Xmas I’ve finally updated it but lost the dashboard which I could really do with. I was wondering is there any way I can procure this off you as I’m not confident with Powershell or much else either. We only use it for a few users at work and to run Sage but the dashboard is one of the reasons we went for it plus initially I got a bit of help setting it up as somehow I’m the IT manager even though I’m a surveyor by trade!

Any help would be appreciated.



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Best Answer

Yes, you can easily add the Windows Server Essentials Experience (WSEE) bits from Windows Server 2016 Essentials (including the server Dashboard, etc.) onto Windows Server 2019/2022/vNext. For all of the details on how to go about doing that (via our WSEE Installer, which makes doing so super simple!), see here:

Installing Windows Server Essentials Experience On Windows Server 2019 / 2022 / vNext

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It says I need a licence which I don’t have? Can I buy it as a standalone product as I will only need to use it once.



  • Mike
    Alas, I’m afraid not. As mentioned within the main article, we don’t sell the WSEE Installer (seeing as the “Essentials bits” it installs are not ours to sell). It’s only made available, at no additional charge, to purchasers of our software products.
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Thanks for the fast reply. I’ve had a look prior to sending the email and was wondering is the WSEE installer available as a download?



  • Mike
    Yes it sure is… Customers can request access to it via our Support page as is explained within the main how to article.
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