Windows and RemoteApp file association



I have barely used WSEE in the past, but I acknowledge its great features so I’m evaluating it again for a new Windows environment migration I’m planning before the end of 2024.

Would you help me understanding how Windows (10, 11)  handle the file association when the Applications are shared through the RemoteApp?

What I’m trying to know is, let’s say there’s an Excel file on a regular Windows 11 client, joined on a local domain on the same network as the WSEE server. If the user double clicks on this file, would Windows be able open the Excel RemoteApp to open this file? and not only for excel, but the same for any other application configured to run through the RemoteApp server?


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Best Answer

Yes, the Excel file (or any other file type association) would behave exactly as you’ve described… When the user double-clicks on the Excel file over on their client computer, the WSE RemoteApp client-side connector will prompt them to sign in to a RemoteApp session (if they are not already signed in to one), and the client-side Excel file will then be opened within the instance of Excel that is installed on your server. An example of this behavior can be seen down at the very bottom of the following post:

WSS 2011 Add-In Updates

And the panel (within WSE RemoteApp’s “RemoteApp Properties” wizard) that allows you to select the file types to be associated with a published RemoteApp program looks like this:

File Type Associations

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