Windows 11 Compatibility with Win Server 2019 with WSEE


I tried to connect a windows 11 client to the server and could not. Is windows 11 compatible?



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Best Answer

Yes, the Windows Server Essentials Connector software (installed via http://<ServerName>/connect) does indeed work just fine with Windows 11. That being said… Getting the connector to install has always been a finicky process. If you’re having trouble getting it to install (i.e. if it’s not able to find your Essentials server) then here are a few things that you can try:

First, make sure that you add the following .NET Framework security settings to your server, and to ALL of your client computers, and then reboot them. The settings allow the older versions of Microsoft’s .NET Framework packages (used throughout Windows Server Essentials) to be able to utilize newer/stronger TLS 1.2 SSL connections (whenever the clients attempt to communicate with the server, etc.):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Second, you should make sure that you set the adapter settings/options for the network connection on your Essentials server so that its preferred IPv4 DNS server address is set to the default localhost/loopback address, and its alternate IPv4 DNS server address is set to the IP address of your network router (e.g. or other DNS server (e.g. You should also verify that the preferred IPv6 DNS server address is set to its default ::1 value.

In addition, you should also change the adapter settings/options for the network connection on ALL of your client computers so that their preferred IPv4 DNS server address is set to the static IP address of your Windows Server Essentials server, and their alternate IPv4 DNS server address is set to the IP address of your network router (e.g. or other DNS server (e.g. Doing so will allow the client-side Windows Server Essentials Connector software’s installer (which you can download from each of your client computers by browsing to http://<ServerName>/connect, where <ServerName> is the name of your Essentials server) to be able to successfully locate and connect the client computer to your Windows Server Essentials server.

Lastly, if you do not want to join your connected client computers to the Windows Server Essentials domain, then you can use Microsoft’s SkipDomainJoin connection method instead.

  • LG71
    If I don’t want my clients to go through server, can I do that? There is a registry hack to skipDNS for clients.
  • Mike
    Yes, if you don’t want to domain join your clients to the server then follow the link to Microsoft’s SkipDomainJoin connection method mentioned above and add the required registry entry to your clients BEFORE you install the Windows Server Essentials client connector software on them.
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Dword 32 or 64?

  • Mike
    32-bit (as 64-bit would be a QWORD or “hex(b)” in reg file speak)
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