What user context do the remote apps run in?



This looks like a cool solution for some small business scenarios.  I did not see anything in other posts that talks about the user security context the applications are running in on the server when they are launched via the WSE RemoteApp method.  I did see the screenshot in the “Multiple Connections” KB article that shows usernames that look like regular (non-admin) user accounts but I’m unsure if the apps actually launch under the user accounts.  Do they run in the context of the authenticated user or do they run in the administrator or system context?  Furthermoe, what context do they run in with Multiple Connections mode enabled?

I look forward to your reply.

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Best Answer

The RemoteApp sessions do indeed run in the security context of the authenticated users (and not in a System or Administrator context). You can allow users with administrator rights to connect to WSE RemoteApp, but doing so is certainly not recommend (for security reasons). And the security context remains the same (i.e. at the User level) even when you have enabled the add-in’s “multiple simultaneous connections” feature (with each user being allowed a single remote session).

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