What are the differences in versions


I would like to know what the difference is between the versions. You offer many different ones in your pricing but I am not sure which one would work for me.

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There are currently two different “versions” of WSE WorkFolders (i.e. “WSE WorkFolders 2016” and “WSE WorkFolders 2012 R2“). The version you choose to download and install on your server should be based upon the version of Windows Server Essentials that you are currently running on your server. If you have Windows Server 2016 Essentials installed on your server, then you want to use WSE WorkFolders 2016. If you have Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials installed on your server, then you want to use WSE WorkFolders 2012 R2.

Additionally, the different “editions” of WSE WorkFolders (i.e. Student, Starter, Basic, Standard, Professional, etc.) are based upon the number of users that you will be allowing access to Work Folders. Therefore, you would want to purchase a license for the edition that matches the number of users you will be allowing access to Work Folders on your Essentials server. The 21-day trial version of WSE WorkFolders runs as the 5-user “Starter Edition“.

Other than that, all of the “Versions” and “Editions” of the product are identical as far as functionality is concerned.

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