vmware unity mode application


hello – can anyone tell me if the following scenario is possible with this add-in: we have a winxp vm on vmware workstation, which is installed on the server, with a “published” application that runs in unity mode, essentially it looks like it is a regular application with an icon on the desktop. will that virtualized application be able to be run using the add-in? will i just have to experiment with this or is it known whether that can work?

– thanks much

  • Clay Jorgensen asked 8 years ago
  • last edited 8 years ago
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Good Answer

I am not familiar with VMware Unity Mode, and so I have no idea if what you are proposing will work or not. Personally, it seems overly complex to be attempting something like that with an Essentials server (just to run an old Windows XP application???) seeing as you would most likely need to install VMWare onto your Essentials box (eek!).

That being said, WSE RemoteApp has a fully functional 21-day evaluation period, and so you can always install it on your Essentials server, and try it out just to make sure that it works as you want it to/expect it to before you commit to purchasing the add-in. However, I’d definitely set up a test server (and not use your production server) if you are going to be attempting to install VMware on it (seeing as I have absolutely no idea what the consequences of doing so would be on an Essentials server).

I’m sorry that I don’t have a better answer for you on this one.

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