Unable to install MS Visual C++ Redistributable with WSEE


After a clean install of  Server 2025 Essentials and the latest update, I was able to get WSEE to install and get a Windows 10 client connector working with the cryptography registry entries added to the server and client.

Subsequently, I tried to install Stablebit DrivePool on the server to access my data drives. The DrivePool installer failed while trying to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable bundled with the installer. I then tried using Winget in Server 2025 Essentials to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable bundled with Server 2025 Essentials, and that also failed with WSEE installed.

So, I did another clean install of Windows Server 2025 Essentials and the latest update. I then successfully was able to install Stablebit DrivePool including the Redistributable, but I was then unable to get WSEE to complete installation. Even if that had worked, I would be concerned I would be unable to update DrivePool or the Redistributable with WSEE installed, but that was moot when WSEE repeatedly would not complete installation.

Is there a known conflict with WSEE and the Redistributable or a basis for believing there could be? I have had Drivepool with the Redistributable running on WHS 2011 and subsequently Server 2016 Essentials for years, and at the moment I am going to have to stick with Server 2016 Essentials unless there is a way to get WSEE to work with DrivePool, which requires the Redistributable.

Any insights would be appreciated if you have them. Thank you very much for your assistance. Up until I failed to install DrivePool, WSEE was working exactly as I had hoped with Server 2025 Essentials and my Windows 10 client PC.

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Interesting… I’m not aware of any issues with installing the C++ redistributable on 2025 while WSEE is installed (i.e. this is the first I’ve ever heard of it). WSEE is written almost entirely in C# .NET and so I don’t really see how anything in it could be interfering with anything in C++. Additionally, since the WSEE “bits” you’re installing on 2025 were taken directly from Windows Server 2016, where there was no conflict between them, I’m not exactly sure why there suddenly would be one under 2025. It’d be interesting to know if the same thing happens under Windows Server 2022 or Windows Server 2019 (i.e. is it just 2025 that’s having the issue???).

Do you recall exactly how/why WSEE was unable to complete its installation when the C++ redistributable was already installed? Did the WSEE Installer itself fail in some way, or was it the Windows Server Essentials Configuration wizard part of Essentials that failed to complete (and if so, were any errors thrown, did you investigate the Essentials log files within the server’s “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Server\Logs” folder, etc.)?

Ultimately, there’s probably not much I can do about it over on my end (if it’s somehow a conflict between the assemblies in WSEE and C++), but I’ll definitely do some investigating over here on my end when I get some free time.

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Thanks for responding so quickly. The logs were not informative to me other than indicating problems with the redistributable installation with WSEE installed. WSEE kept failing at 83% with DrivePool and the redistributable installed, and I don’t know enough to see anything helpful in those logs. I agree it is very mysterious there seems to be some kind of conflict.

At this point I am going to give Server 2025 more time to mature, and then try again.

Thanks for your help.

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I’m in the process of setting up a test VM right now since I’m considering migrating from Server 2022 to Server 2025 on my main server and wanted to see if there are any major issues. I also Use Stablebit Drivepool on my server.

I installed all updates on a fresh 2025 install before running the WSEE installer.

After Completing the Essentials configuration wizard I installed Drivepool and did not encounter any issues at all. The C++ redistributable installed just fine, as did drivepool, so I’m not sure what could have caused the install to fail for you.

Also, something you may not be aware of, all of the stablebit products show up in the server dashboard when installed on a server with WSEE installed.

  • Mike
    Thank you for the feedback. It’s good to hear that it is working for you.
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I appreciate hearing you got it all to work. I used physical hardware when I ran into problems. Maybe I would have better luck with a VM.

  • homeserverdude
    I’m actually running into other issues myself. For some reason the Windows ADK is stuck at 33% of installation. It’s needed to setup the client service restore service with WDS. Moving the server folders is also getting stuck trying to move from C:\ to the drivepool drive. Remote Desktop Gateway also seems to not be working as I can’t access the server through it. I’ll probably keep the VM around for testing and to see how it matures, but right now I’m sticking with Server 2022 on my main server. On Server 2022 everything is working perfectly fine, including all of the essentials features.
  • Wonko
    I found a reference to needing to use an older Windows 10 version of the ADK for the client restore service because the latest one is missing the 32-bit x86 version that is expected. I am also seeing reports of issues with using Server Essentials Client Backup to restore Windows 11 clients even if they appear to have backed up successfully. Especially after the latest Windows 11 update that is causing such a variety of problems. Do you have any experience backing up and restoring Windows 11 clients with Server 2022 with the Essentials stuff installed? I am concerned the backup process will be useless once I transition my clients to Windows 11 even through Windows 2016 Essentials has still not reached end of life by then.
  • homeserverdude
    You’re right, an older Windows 10 ADK is required. As for backup and restore of Windows 11 Clients, I have multiple Windows 11 23H2 and 24H2 machines successfully backing up on my 2022 Server. I haven’t tested a restore in a while, but it’s in my to-do list just to verify everything is working as it should be.
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Thank you for that helpful information. Please let me know how your experience with Server 2025 unfolds over time. In the meantime, I will give Server 2022 a try when I have time.

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Tried to install windows server 2025 multiple times with non VM installation as well but ran into different problems. Backups didnt run, server folders could not be created (shadow copies hang). Errors in server logs. I will wait a while before installing server 2025 again.

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