Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)


Hi Mike,

Please clarify the relationship between WSE RemoteApp and Duo 2FA.  Does Duo need RemoteApp to work correctly?  Or does RemoteApp basically make it easier to use?  I’m not familiar with RemoteApp.  It seems like Duo should work without RemoteApp if it is setup properly.

Thank you,

  • Mike
    I’ve never used Duo 2FA without WSE RemoteApp and so I can’t really speak to that usage case I’m afraid. Since Duo is its own product (and has nothing to do with us), I imagine that it works just fine within the context that it was designed to run under.
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great article. Thank you for that. But it look a bit complicated for a beginner. I used as they supplied me with a free student license. It just works without any installation, configuration, etc. Great for beginners.


  • Andreas Mueller answered 1 year ago
  • last edited 1 year ago
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