Signature pads not working


Good afternoon Mike,

We are running WSE to publish a veterinary software ( AviMark ) from a 2012 r2 Essentials.

AviMark is integrated with a payment solution ( MPS ) and swiping credit cards is working just fine, but we cannot take customer’s signature using signature pads ( Topaz T-S460-BSB-R ).

In a normal remote desktop session the signature pads are working, and the serial ports are redirecting properly.

I’ve published the signature pad demo utility, and I get no error regarding the COM ports connection, but the screen where the signature should appear remains blank.

Is there a way we can make this signature pads working using WSE?

Thank you!

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Best Answer

Alas, WSE RemoteApp does not currently allow you to redirect (COM) ports into the established remote session. I’ll see if I can add a checkbox (within the add-in’s Remote Desktop Options dialog boxes and drop-down menu) that will allow you to do that in the next release of the program.

  • Mike
    FYI, the updated version of WSE RemoteApp with the ability to redirect COM (serial) ports has just been released (i.e. Version 1.255.1290.0 or greater).
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