Share discovery failed



I’ve been using work folder over a year, and everything is fine on computers, but on mobile phone (work folder app), share discovery failed error message apeared.

Can you help me to understand what this message mean, and how I can correct this issue.



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Alas, I’m afraid that I’m not currently able to replicate this one over here. Both the Android and the iOS versions of Microsoft’s Work Folders mobile app (as well as the native Work Folders applet on Windows PCs) seem to be working just fine for me.

Have you tried restarting the mobile device just to see if that happens to shake things loose for you? Are you sure that the mobile app is still using the correct Work Folders URL that’s specific/correct for the Anywhere Access setup on your Essentials server (as shown here)?

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At the last I resolved this issue.

From control panel (client side windows) stopped using work folders.

Then suddenly work folder app starting


  • Mike
    Glad to hear that you figured it out.
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