Server 2016 + RemoteFX


Has anyone had any experience using RemoteFX on WSERemoteAPP’s?

From what I’ve  seen it appears to work fine on normal full RDP sessions, but am reading contradicting information on whether it functions on normal RemoteApp’s.


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RemoteFX will not work on an Essentials server (nor with WSE RemoteApp) because it requires that the Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) server role be installed, and that server role is not compatible with Windows Server Essentials (nor with WSE RemoteApp). RDSH wreaks havoc on the default configuration of the Essentials server, and WSE RemoteApp will actually refuse to run if the RDSH server role has been installed on the server (since it is designed to run with the server in its default “Remote Administration” mode, and RDSH places the server into “Application Server” mode instead).

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I have a HyperV server which is running WSERemoteApp as aVirtual Machine.

The RDSH is running on the HyperV Server so it would mean I would be adding the RemoteFX adaptor to the Virtual Machine itself, so the role wouldn’t be affecting the WSERemoteApp Virtual Machine.

Is this going to be the same if I add the RemoteFX adaptor to the WSE Virtual machine?

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