Server 2016 Connect your computer to the server error


Hi all,

I’ve tried to add a Server 2016 to my WSEE running on Server 2019. I get an error “Cannot download the package.” then verify that your device is connect to the internet, and then install the Windows Server Essentials Connector.

Running the latest up of WSEE. Server 2016 is a fresh install, all latest updates.

Any help would be great. Thanks.

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Strange… In all my years of working with Essentials I’ve never come across/seen that particular error message before. From the looks if it, the Essentials config wizard is failing to connect to Microsoft’s web servers to download something (which in and of itself is kind of weird seeing as everything outside of a few localization files should already be there).

Just to clarify… This is a brand new/clean install of Windows Server 2019 (Essentials, Standard, or Datacenter) that you’re running the latest release of the WSEE Installer on?

  • scott88
    Hi Mike, did a couple of restart and finally found the issue. Had changed the DNS config and for some reason the server wasn’t taking it. All fixed
  • Mike
    Glad to hear that you got it resolved. ; -)
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