Restrict app showed by user


I tryed to make user all see their corect app but it’s fail.

I created everything last my last post. One acomba by user.

So i associate each remoteapp with specific user.

When i go in lauchpad on every computer i see all app including app not published for them. Please note every user have admin right.



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Best Answer

When a user signs in to WSE RemoteApp and opens up its main “WSE RemoteApp Launcher” window, they should only ever see their very own list of published RemoteApp programs.

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent individual published RemoteApp programs from showing up within the Launchpad (or on the Desktop or Start menu/screen) for a specific user. However, that being said, if a user attempts to run one of the published RemoteApp programs that isn’t theirs, then WSE RemoteApp will not allow them to do so (i.e. it will alert them that they have not been granted permission to use that particular published RemoteApp program).

The reason it works like this is because there can be multiple users signing in to WSE RemoteApp from a single client computer (and not just the user that is currently signed in to Windows at the time – i.e. it acts like a kiosk). Since WSE RemoteApp always prompts the user for sign in credentials when they first launch a published RemoteApp program from the client computer, it will accept any “allowed” user’s credentials. Therefore, WSE RemoteApp cannot hide any of the published RemoteApp programs on the client computer (on a per-user basis) seeing as it never knows which user will be signing in.

If you don’t want this happening, then the best way to approach it is as follows:

1. Open the server Dashboard, go to the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page, and click on the “RemoteApp Programs” subtab.

2. Click on the “RemoteApp program client settings” task.

3. Under the “Launchpad” section, uncheck the “Add RemoteApp programs to Launchpad” checkbox.

4. Under the “Shortcuts” section, uncheck the “Add RemoteApp programs to Start menu/screen” checkbox (which will also automatically uncheck the “Add RemoteApp programs to Desktop” checkbox).

5. Click on the “Save” button in order to save your changes.

Now, the very next time a user signs in to WSE RemoteApp from the client PC, all of the published RemoteApp programs will be removed from the Launchpad, Desktop, and Start menu/screen.

From then on, they can just use the main “WSE RemoteApp Launcher” (or “Launcher“) item in order to sign in to WSE RemoteApp. Then, when the main Launcher window appears, they will only ever see their very own specific RemoteApp programs, and they can open them directly from there instead.

I hope that helps you out some.


BTW, if anyone has a better way to approach this one, I’m all ears.

  • XGuarden
    Thanks, i realize they can’t open it right. You solution seem good with one exception. Ideally thhat will be exacly like you said except that I can’t copy link of my app to the desktop from WSE Remotepp Launcher. I can only put them on destop passing by the one in the start menu. Any way to add automaticly remoteapp programm on the destop or at least do it without having to add them in menu? For exemple, if i have in me wsr remoteapp launcher Acomba and Photoshop, can I jsut make these two appear on the desktop? It’s maybe a side question, but can I avoid that each time i publish back I need to update every link on all computer that i put on desktop.
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