RemoteApp program command-line parameters grayed out


RemoteApp program command-line parameters seems to be disable while testing on windows server essentials 2016. Is it because i am using a demo version of the software?

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If you publish an application (.exe) directly, then you can indeed set/edit its command-line parameters from within the RemoteApp Properties wizard. However, if you publish a shortcut (.lnk) to an application (which is the default/suggested RemoteApp publication method), then you will not be able to do so (as the command-line parameters textbox will be greyed out).

Instead, you simply need to click on the “Properties” button (located in the upper right-hand corner of the RemoteApp Properties wizard) and then set/edit the shortcut’s command-line parameters from there instead (i.e. by appending the command-line parameters that you want to use onto the “Target” of the shortcut). Once you’ve closed the shortcut properties window, the command-line parameter you added will then automatically appear within the RemoteApp Properties wizard.

  • Mike
    It looks like the new command-line parameter won’t actually appear within the wizard until you close and then open it again. I’ll look into getting that fixed. EDIT: This has now been fixed in Version 1.1241.1241.1241 (or later).
  • Mike
    BTW, publishing a shortcut to an application (instead of publishing the application directly) is the default/suggested method in WSE RemoteApp because it allows you to: 1) Publish multiple instances of the same program (each having a unique set of properties within the RemoteApp Properties wizard). 2) Change the shortcut-specific properties of the published shortcut (such as its command-line arguments, working directory, window style, description, and icon).
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