Reinstalling WSEE on Server 2019


Two and a half years ago I installed WSEE on Server 2019 and haven’t had to fuss with it.

We had a couple of drives fail. Prior to the second drive failing I was able to replicate it to a new drive (Robocopy preserving rights, stop SQL server, use disk manager to rename drives). Applications came up fine … except WSEE.

For any other software, my first thought would be “reinstall it.” EssentialsRoleSetup.msi will not complete. “Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel.”

I did that. That is, I chose to Modify and ended up uninstalling the Essentials role.

I am now in the Configure Windows Server Essentials wizard and am prompted for an Internal Domain Name. I cannot use the existing domain name, since it already exists on the network. I am loathe to use a different domain name.

Is there any way to salvage this installation?

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Alas, probably not… It sounds like you’ll need to stand up a new WSEE installation from scratch again. If you hadn’t already uninstalled the WSEE role from the server, then you could have used our WSEE Zapper program to get past the “Another version of this product is already installed” snafu (which would have allowed you to be able to run the WSEE Installer on the server again), but since you’ve already removed the WSEE role from the server, you’re probably just better off starting over from scratch again I’m afraid.

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