Printer Redirection


Is it possible to enable printer redirection in order to print to a client computer’s local printer?

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Best Answer

All of our products support printing to a client computer’s local printer using Microsoft’s built in Remote Desktop printer redirection functionality. It can be a bit finicky to get set up (initially), but it does seem to work quite well after that. The trick is that you need to install the printer’s drivers on **BOTH** the client computer **AND** on the server itself, as well as enable printer redirection within all of your RemoteApp sessions.

There is a Knowledge Base (FAQ) article posted over on our website that walks you through getting it all working (it contains pretty much everything I know about getting printing redirection working in RemoteApp sessions without needing to resort to using expensive 3rd party RDS printing software). You can find the KB article here:

[Enable Printing To Local Computer’s Printer (WSE)][1]

[Enable Printing To Local Computer’s Printer (WHS)][2]


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