Printer Redirecting


We currently have the demo up and running but we cannot get printer redirection working. It is greyed out on the launcher in the tool bar and the RDP short cut isn’t showing any option to disable or enable printing. We are really liking this software but the printer redirecting is a must. Please help!

thank you


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Best Answer

Printing to a local computer’s printer from within a WSE RemoteApp session requires two basic things. First, you must enable printer redirection within the WSE RemoteApp session (which you can tell you have not yet done since the “Printers” setting is greyed out). Second, you must install the drivers for the printer on BOTH the client computer, AND ON THE SERVER itself.

I have a nice How To/FAQ article that walks you through doing all of that. You can find the article here:

Enable Printing To Local Computer’s Printer

  • flipj5
    Something isnt adding up on our end. The clients are windows 7 Server 2012 essentials r2. Nothing is the same for as your link for setting the printing? Installing the driver etc is a normal redirect step but why cannt i get the option to enable? You talk about the launcher and the connector but how do i get to those that are pictured as i dont have anything resembling that? I really must be missing something….
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