Pricing - user to app ratio


With a 10 user and 50 apps. Does that mean they will only have 5 apps available for each user?

  • Robert Williams asked 7 years ago
  • last edited 7 years ago
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Good Answer

The total number of RemoteApp programs that are allowed to be published (i.e. 50 in the “Standard Edition” case that you’ve mentioned) is shared across all of your users. Typically, a single published RemoteApp program is assigned to multiple users, and so it only counts as a single RemoteApp program. For example, if you publish Notepad as a RemoteApp program, it only counts as a single published RemoteApp program even if all 10 of your users have access to it (i.e. you’d still have 49 more RemoteApp programs that you could publish for your 10 users). That being said, if all 10 of your users were using unique RemoteApp programs, then yes, each would only be able to have a maximum of 5 published RemoteApp programs in the “Standard Edition” (I’d say that would be a very rare case though).

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