Possibility of testing RDWEB with trial?



The license I received states it’s a full trial, however, I am walled off from features I explicitly need to test prior to purchase. How would I go about accessing the web access or mac rdp access prior to purchase?

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All of our products have a fully functional 21-day evaluation period. However, some features (such as the “RADC web feeds” and “multiple simultaneous connections” features) are not available during the evaluation period in order to protect our intellectual property. The only way to use those features is to purchase a license for the product I’m afraid.

That being said… We do have a no-questions-asked 30 day refund policy on all of our products if you are not completely satisfied with them. Therefore, you could always purchase a license for the product you are currently evaluating, and if you find that the above mentioned features do not work to your satisfaction, then you can request a full refund for the product (as long as you do so within 30 days of the original purchase date). See the “Refunds and Exchanges” section of out Policy page for further details.

In addition, you can also purchase a lower edition of the product (in order to save money while you are evaluating the above mentioned features), and then move up to a higher edition after you have determined that the product, and all of its features, are working satisfactorily for you. See the “Higher Editions” section of our Policy page for further details.

Lastly, the “Remote Web Access” feature of our products (which allows you to access them from within the server’s built-in Remote Web Access website) works just fine during the 21-day evaluation period. It’s the “RADC web feeds” feature (which allows you to access them from Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone devices) that does not.

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