Office365 Integration broken again


It seems like Office 365 Integration is broken again on WSEE. Getting event ID 6036 for PCNSSVC and Windows Server Essentials Email Service is falling over.

Anyone else having this issue?

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Good Answer

I don’t use any of the online services in WSEE and so I can’t say for sure if they’re actually broken or not. However, it wouldn’t at all surprise me if they are. IMHO none of that stuff was implemented all that great in WSEE, and it’s been blatantly clear (for the last handful of years) that Microsoft doesn’t really care about keeping it working properly (nor fixing it in a timely manner after they’ve repeatedly broken it). They’re much more interested in getting everyone using their expensive Azure services instead (hence the depreciation of WSEE). This is why I tell folks that they should migrate away from using the online services in WSEE if they can.

Lastly, if the online services stuff is still working in Windows Server 2016 (Essentials or Standard/Datacenter with the WSEE server role added), where it’s “supposedly” fully supported by Microsoft until 2027, then it should still be working in 2019/2022 with WSEE installed via the WSEE Installer. However, if it’s broken in 2016, then it’ll definitely be broken in 2019/2022 as well.

Sorry that I don’t have a better answer for you on this one.

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