My Server is a homeserver. So I have multiple home PC's


I have three PC’s, one laptop and a home made server which I build from old computer parts, so it only supports BIOS installations.  The serve is running Windows Home Server 2011 with the Office Maven installed and Microsoft Office 10 full version access.

My PC’s all use Windows 10 Pro, one is 32 bit the others are x64. My newest PC

PC uses EUFI which keeps me from linking it to the server.  I am ware that I could convert the GPT to MBR environment and reinstall Windows, but I am also aware that I will loose the security offered by EUFI.

Is there a product available that would allow me to overcome the conflict in OS compatibility?

Or perhaps, Am I over estimating the protection offered by having the computer in EUFI instead of Simple BIOS. ?

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Good Answer

Alas, I’m afraid not. It’s probably time that you start thinking about moving away from the now unsupported (and insecure) Windows Home Server 2011 platform. Windows Server 2016 Essentials is a great upgrade to WHS 2011 and it properly handles all modern UEFI (BIOS) client computers.

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