MAPI Client by WSE remote app


I curently WSE remoteapp for windows server essencial 2016.

I use Acomba. When I try to send email, it will call mapi client.

Unfortunatly it’s return mapi error. Of course outlook is installed on both computer, locally and on the server too.

But it’s just didt’t open outlook windows for send email. Im not even yet at the step of creating profile…

I guess its because they dont have right to open outlook or something like that…

Did u have any idea how to solve this. My first choice will be to redirect mapi request to local computer outlook client. If imposible, that will be to open outlook apropriate oulook mapi profile on the server.

I hope you can help me or else my whole installation will be pointless lol

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I get able to make it half work… I removed outlook 2016 for add outlook 2013 and extented mapi appear now in the app and instead of getting unreadable error I get: Not default email programme for sending email error(in french). Directly from server on admin account that work.

  • XGuarden
    After creating configuration in outlook 2013 it’s work. SO i guess it’s only happen with 2016 and mapi. So my conclusion is that is not related with your software but with mapi imself.
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