History/change log?
The Multiple simultaneous connections feature stopped working today.
I also notice a new update was issued recently. are those two events related?
Is there a change log for WSE so we can see what issues are fixed in any given update?
- Chris asked 7 years ago
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Microsoft recently released a Windows Update for Windows Server 2016 (KB4038801) that broke WSE RemoteApp 2016‘s multiple simultaneous connections feature. The problem has since been resolved in the latest release of WSE RemoteApp 2016 (i.e. Version 1.255.1303.0 or greater). Thus, installing the latest version of WSE RemoteApp 2016, and then running the “Enable simultaneous connections” task again from the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page of the server Dashboard will resolve the issue for you (note that a server restart is required).
And yes, this was exactly the reason for the recently released update of WSE RemoteApp 2016.
Unfortunately, a history/change log for WSE RemoteApp is not available. I’ve been meaning to start one, but just simply haven’t got to doing so yet. Mea culpa!
- Mike answered 7 years ago
- last edited 7 years ago
Unfortunately it is still broken on Server 2012 R2 Trouble shooting attempts so far have failed Have upgraded to latest version. it upgrades fine. when i click “enable simultaneous connections” it behaves like it is already enabled/ doesn’t ask for reboot. I reboot anyway but still no good. Uninstalled the add-in and re-installed. same as above except now all my users and apps need to be re-setup. Removed the latest KBs that installed recently for server 2012 R2. (KB4041693 which includes KB4038774 and KB4038774 ). Still the same problem above. it like WSE remoteapp thinks its enabled when its not and refuses to re-enable. ideas? how to I force it to re-enable?
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The latest Windows Updates that affected WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2‘s multiple simultaneous connections feature are KB4034681 (first published 08/08/2017) and KB4025336 (first published 07/11/2017). In both cases, WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 was immediately updated to resolve the issue. Thus, installing the latest release of WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 (i.e. Version 1.255.1294.0 or greater) on a fully up-to-date Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials server, and then running the add-in’s “Enable simultaneous connections” task again from the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page of the server Dashboard should resolve the issue for you. If not, then please contact us for additional support.
Lastly, in order for WSE RemoteApp to have a fully functional uninstaller (just as you’d expect it to), uninstalling the add-in will indeed completely remove all traces of the add-in from your server and client computers (including all of your published RemoteApp programs, custom RemoteApp program properties, settings, etc.). Therefore, it is not recommended that you uninstall the add-in unless you absolutely need to (or are directed to by support, etc.). Otherwise, you will need to completely set up the add-in from scratch again (just as you’ve found).
- Mike answered 7 years ago
- last edited 7 years ago
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Thanks, have sent an email via the contact page
- Chris answered 7 years ago
I’ve responded to your private support request twice now. Hope you get it the second time around. BTW, it’s not getting bounced back to me, so please do check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your Inbox.
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