Have Anyone heard from Mike since the last weeks?


Hi Everyone,

Have Anyone heard from Mike since the last 2 weeks?

Is he in Holiday or Ill ?

We have a big impact in our unit/company and I need an urgend reply from him but I donĀ“t get any answer over direkt Mail or Support.

I will we happy for any answers.

Greetings from South Germany,





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Yes, I’m still around, just super busy right now with a project that has me working away form my desk/office.

If you’ve submitted a support request for WSE RemoteApp or WSE WorkFolders, and I haven’t answered it, then do please resubmit your request and I’ll do my best to get to it.

Otherwise, if you’ve submitted a support request for WSEE (or the WSEE Installer), then please do be aware that I do not officially provide support for that. I do try my best to answer questions about WSEE, when and where I can, but if you have a question that is specific to WSEE (and doesn’t directly involve WSE RemoteApp or WSE WorkFolders), then it’s probably best asking those types of questions over on Microsoft’s Windows Server Essentials forum instead (although I’d definitely leave out the fact that you’re running WSEE under anything other than Windows Server 2016 if you want to avoid the grief you’ll get over doing that). AFAIK, WSEE is currently installing, and running, just fine on a brand new/clean (and fully updated) install of Windows Server 2019/2022 (i.e. I’m not currently aware of any WSEE related issues).

Best of luck.

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