Fails to login to WSE Remote on 2016 after ms update



Logs show Failed to open ADTestHook registry key.

I getting error screens when attempting to access remote.*.com/Remote upon login.  If I manually type /Remote/fs after login i can see the files, same for WSE RemoteAPP however it does not render otherwise.  Let me know how we can troubleshoot as I have a few clients relying on your awesome add-in!

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That doesn’t sound like a problem that is related to WSE RemoteApp 2016 seeing as the add-in does not use a registry key named “ADTestHook” (i.e. I have no idea what that registry key is for/from, and I’m not currently able to replicate the problem you’re having here on any of our in-house test servers).

Have you tried uninstalling WSE RemoteApp 2016 just to see if the problem goes away or not? If the problem does not go away after uninstalling WSE RemoteApp 2016, then it’s obviously a problem with the setup/configuration of your server (or more specifically, with its Anywhere Access/Remote Web Access setup/configuration) that has nothing to do with WSE RemoteApp 2016.

Also, are you running the latest version of Windows Server 2016 (Essentials or Standard/Datacenter with the WSEE server role) with all of the latest Windows Updates applied (i.e. Version 1607 – OS Build 14393.693)? And the latest version of WSE RemoteApp 2016 (i.e. Version 1.255.1278.3)?

Alternatively, you might want to try restoring your server from server backup back to the state it was in before you installed the latest set of Windows Updates (i.e. back to a date/time before you started having the aforementioned problem).

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OK it appears that this issue was not related the WSE RemoteApp 2016.  Microsoft is aware of the issue and will be releasing a fix.  However it does appear that after installing .net framework 2.0 for another application which required it, the WSE Remotepp add-in is crashing the dashboard.  If i disable it in safemode it runs perfectly fine.

Logs are showing dashboard.exe crash related to: v4.6.1586.0

Help please!

  • Andrew Santiago answered 8 years ago
  • last edited 8 years ago
  • Mike
    WSE RemoteApp does not use .NET Framework 2.0. If installing .NET Framework 2.0 on your server is causing the Dashboard to crash, then that is more than likely another Microsoft/Windows Server 2016 issue. WSE RemoteApp does not directly reference, or use, Have you tried uninstalling WSE RemoteApp, while leaving .NET Framework 2.0 installed, just to see if the server Dashboard still crashes or not?
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Yes uninstall and the dashboard works fine.  Same when launching dashboard in safe mode and disabling WSE remote app.  I can remove .Net 2.0 feature if need be, however we have a legacy app that requires it (can run in VM instead)…  Do you want to troubleshoot more closely?



  • Andrew Santiago answered 8 years ago
  • last edited 8 years ago
  • Mike
    I have just installed .NET Framework 2.0 on two of our in-house Windows Server 2016 setups (one running Essentials, and the other running Standard with the Windows Server Essentials Experience server role installed) using the Server Manager (i.e. by following the steps outlined right after step #12 in this Knowledge Base article:, and I’m not seeing any crashes whatsoever when opening the server Dashboard on either server. Everything is working just fine with both WSE RemoteApp 2016 and the server Dashboard when .NET Framework 2.0/3.0 is installed on the servers. In both instances, the servers are fully up to date (Version 1607 – OS Build 14393.693) and WSE RemoteApp 2016 (Version 1.255.1278.3) is the only add-in installed (i.e. it is the only add-in shown on the server Dashboard’s “APPLICATIONS” page).
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