Cut and paste between local PC and server




We are using the WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 (Basic Edition) but since a while I’m unable to cut and paste between my local computer and the app on the server. Initially I thought that it was du to the RDP that we use But after using only the RDP I noticed that this works fine.

I only have the issue with the shortcuts that we have on Remoteapp.

What did I do wrong?

Kind regards,

Bart Pen


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Alas, I’m not able to replicate this one here, and to date, no one else has mentioned a similar problem that I am currently aware of (and so it should be working). So… About all I can think of to tell you to try is the following:

1. Try restarting both the server and the client just to see if that happens to shake things loose for you.

2. Make sure that both the server and the client have all of the latest Windows Updates installed on them (or that you are using the latest release of whatever client it is that you are connecting to WSE RemoteApp from – such as the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, etc.).

3. Are you certain that you are redirecting the clipboard (via Remote Desktop Options) when you initiate your WSE RemoteApp connection?

Probably the easiest way to check this is to simply open the WSE RemoteApp Launcher, click the large icon that’s located up in the top left hand corner of its main window in order to display its context menu, and then click on the “About” item in the popup menu that appears.

In the WSE RemoteApp Launcher’s About dialog box that appears, click on the “Show connection details” button, and then look at the list of “Options” that are shown. If your remote session is set to redirect the clipboard, then “Clipboard” should be shown within that list of Remote Desktop Options.

Other than that, can you tell me exactly how you are connecting to WSE RemoteApp from the client computer (i.e. are you connecting locally from the Windows client’s Start menu or desktop shortcuts for WSE RemoteApp, are you connecting remotely via your server’s built-in Remote Web Access website, are you connecting remotely via WSE RemoteApp’s RADC web feeds feature and a RADC client)?

Lastly, what version of WSE RemoteApp are you currently running, and what version is your client (e.g. Windows 10 1803, etc.)?

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Hi Mike,

I tested my issue on other PC’s and they don’t have this issue. So, the issue is apparently linked to my client PC….

A remote desktop session via the same VPN tunnel to the server doesn’t have the issue.

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Hi again,

I solved the issue. I removed the client software on my computer and had it re-installed by the server. Everything works fine now.



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