Computer Client Back-ups Stopped - Rasman not connected


I don’t think this is a WSEE issue per-say, I use the WSEE installer and updater, so I wanted to start there.

I actually believe this problem started more than a month ago. I use DrivePool to pool my drives and I was having some issues with a couple of drives dropping off. What I didn’t realize when solving that particular issue was that I also had another drive stop working–my client computer back-ups drive. I guess I should look at the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard more often!

I noticed I had an error message about the Windows Server Essentials Computer Backup Service not running. I couldn’t get it to start up. That was when I noticed the client back-up drive wasn’t working. There was an option to recreate the drive or something to that effect. Which I did. That solved the backup service error.

But I still can’t get the Rasman (Remote Access Connection Monitor) service started. When I try to start it, it errors out with:

“Windows could not start Remote Access Connection Manager on local computer. For more information review the system event log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 711.”

This has led me down a rabbit hole of nothing. I’m posting here because I use the WSEE installer on my Windows Server 2022.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that the launchpad shows the server is offline. The Dashboard shows my client–my main desktop is offline. However, I can remote into the server just fine and transfer files back and forth with no issue. I can use my domain name to access media offsite for streaming purposes. I’m just confused.

Oh…and I did try to reinstall the connector. My machine is not connected via a domain. I even made sure the domain setting was correct and when I reinstalled the connector, my machine joined the domain. I used my Veeam back-up to get back and running.

Any advice or help would be great.

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Alas, there’s not much that I can offer you on this one I’m afraid seeing as I’m not able to replicate any of that behavior on Windows Server 2022 with WSEE installed. My best guess is that it has something to do with the drive pool set up that you’re using.

About all I can suggest for you to try would be to move back to using dedicated physical drives for your server setup (i.e. for shared folders, for client backups, etc.) instead of using a drive pool and see if the issues go away. Alternatively, if you’re forced to use drive pools, then maybe try using mounted dynamically expanding virtual disks, stored on the drive pool drive(s), rather than using the drive pool drive(s) directly. Personally, I use a Drobo (which is basically hardware based drive pooling vs software based) and that’s what I always do and I’ve never encountered any issues while doing it like that.

Other than that, you might want to try switching back to using Windows Server 2016 Essentials just to see if it encounters the same issues. That way you’d at least know if the issue is with Essentials (WSEE) itself, or due to the fact that you’re using WSEE (taken from 2016) on Windows Server 2022.

Sorry that I don’t have a better answer for you on this one. Maybe someone else will chime in with a better answer for you. All I can say is that IMHO complicated drive related issues like this almost always stem from folks using drive pooling, complicated RAID arrays, etc., and Essentials not being able to deal with that (reflected by one or more of its services not being able to start/run properly, strange errors appearing, etc.).

Best of luck.

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