COM Ports - WSE Remote App 2016


I need to redirect data from remote COM port to server side.  The program that resides on the server is looking for data coming in through its COM port.

Client is using Remote Web Access and is on a different network.


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In order to do that, you will need to enable COM port redirection within the user’s WSE RemoteApp sessions as follows:

1. Sign in to the server’s built-in Remote Web Access (RWA) website, and click on the “Connect to other RemoteApps” link that’s located at the top of the WSE RemoteApp gadget. Or, you can go directly to WSE RemoteApp’s RWA homepage via:

2. Click on the “Remote Desktop Options” link that’s located at the top of the WSE RemoteApp homepage.

3. Check the “Enable RemoteApp programs to access COM (serial) ports on the local device” checkbox, and then click on the “Save” button.

After doing that, any time the signed in user connects to WSE RemoteApp from the server’s built-in RWA website, the COM ports of the local computer will get redirected over to the WSE RemoteApp session.

NOTE: This is a “per-user setting”, and so each user that wants to use the COM port redirection feature will need to enable it for themselves.

SEE ALSO: Enable Access To Local Computer’s Drives

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