Cannot enable multiple simultaneous connections


My users have tried to log in but have failed to connect. I have looked at the system and clicked on the Enable simultaneous selections user task and I have attached the error message.

I have already sent a previous message saying that I cannot renew my update and support package because when I click on the paypal button it hangs and wont go forward to complete the payment

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Best Answer

On April 9th, 2019 Microsoft released a new set of Windows Updates (across their entire lineup of Windows Server products) that broke the “enable simultaneous connections” feature in WSE RemoteApp. Within a few hours of their release, I put out new versions of WSE RemoteApp (i.e. Version 1.255.1708.0) that corrected the issue.

Therefore, all you need to do is install the latest release of WSE RemoteApp on your Essentials server (i.e. Version 1.255.1708.0 or greater), restart the server Dashboard (if it happened to be open/running when you installed the latest version of WSE RemoteApp), go to the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page in the server Dashboard, click on the “Enable Simultaneous Connections” task, and then follow the prompts (and be sure to restart the server when you are prompted to do so). That should get you up and running again.

As for your license renewal purchase issue… I believe that we’ve now resolved that matter via private support correspondence. If not, then please do let me know.

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