Cannot connect with WSE RemoteApp Connector W2012 R2



i have a problem to connect with the Remote Connector.

I have reinstalled the connector and reconnect also the Clients with the essentials connector.

The client can normally connect to the server …

Have you any idea..



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It appears that WSE RemoteApp’s client-side connector is not able to communicate with the server via its “WSE RemoteApp Provider Service” that is installed over on the server.

Have you tried following all of the various suggestions provided to you in the error message that’s shown in your attached screenshot?

Is this the only client PC that is having the connection issue, or are all of your client PCs unable to connect to WSE RemoteApp?

On this particular client PC, are you able to open the server’s Launchpad application, sign in, and successfully connect to the Dashboard from there? If not, then the client PC most likely isn’t properly connected up to the server and you should open a web browser and go to the server’s connect page (http://SERVER/connect) in order to reconnect the client PC to your Essentials server.

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