can install work folders


I am on a hosted dedicated server with 3 IP’s and windows 2016 essentials role in on a VM on my dedicated windows 2016 standard server. everything is just fine with remote access and gateway, my cert is a multiple subdomain SSL and is attached to 5 other subdomains under root <> I can get to the server alright with no problems on remote access site  the remote access  (with WSERemoteApps Installed) and also RD Web one the site without problem, but when I go to install Work Folders it tells me I have no SSL, does the same SSL cert have to be on the remote gateway also? it currently has the server cert SLL <>. I was waiting to connect to O365 after I get WF’s up and running. I’ve played with it a lot and I either get and NULL error after running the repair or no SSL when I set it up correctly.


Have any ideas? Thanks Jeff

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Good Answer

Sorry for missing this one until just now…

WSE WorkFolders utilizes the server’s underlying Anywhere Access / Remote Web Access functionality in order to provide access to Work Folders from your Essentials server. As such, the server’s Anywhere Access / Remote Web Access feature must be turned on, and a domain name must be properly set up and configured with a trusted SSL certificate in order for it to work. For further details please see:

Successful Connections Require Secure Remote Web Access Setup!

Other than that, the domain name/SSL cert set up checks in WSE WorkFolders are exactly the same as those in WSE RemoteApp. Are you able to enable the RADC web feed feature in your WSE RemoteApp installation and successfully connect to it as discussed here:

Connecting From Mac / iOS / Android / Windows PC/Mobile Computers and Devices

Lastly, can you post a screenshot of the SSL cert error message that you’re seeing in WSE WorkFolders?

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