Broken IIS




I wanted to install Intel AMT Web Management. but this has made an edit in IIS that has somehow alterd the WSEE IIS \Connect application.

There is no repair option working. The dashboard does give an Web application error, with an “Fix it” link. but it seems that there is nothing fixed.

Is there an way to manually recreate the IIS Website with links?
because everything else, AD/Certs/RemoteApp is allready running.

The following is given:

The web server for web services is not configured correctly

DOMAIN 29-5-2022 22:28
The web server is not configured correctly. Applications depending on this web server might not function.

To configure the web server, click “Try to repair” task in Health Monitoring tab.

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Good Answer

Unfortunately, there’s probably no easy way to correct that particular issue. Once the Essentials IIS settings have been trashed like that, you’ll either need to restore the server from backup (back to a prior point in time before you installed the Intel AMT Web Management program on it – Hopefully you have server backup enabled on your Essentials server), or simply stand up a brand new server from scratch again. All of the required Essentials IIS settings are configured when the WSEE server role is first installed/configured on the server, and AFAIK, there isn’t any way to “repair” them.

Other than that, you’ll need to set up a fresh/clean Windows Server Essentials installation (on a different box, or in a VM, etc.), and then go through and manually compare all of the various settings for yourself.

Sorry that I don’t have a better answer for you on this one.

  • MOHdennisNL
    well, your repair function that is shown works. kinda. it did repair the IIS function, but it made the \connect point to the ‘upper website’. and the connector couldnt connect to the domain, due to a mismatch i think. it stared direcly with the Enter IP option. Maybe this is helpfull, and could you look into the option for an better repair experience.
  • Mike
    My repair function??? Are you talking about the Repair feature of Anywhere Access? If so, then that has nothing whatsoever to do with me. I didn’t write Essentials, Microsoft did (and so all of the functionality in Essentials, broken or working, belongs to them). I simply wrapped all of the required components for making Essentials work into an installer that can be used to install Essentials onto newer versions of Windows Server is all. Microsoft did all of the hard stuff. That being said… Microsoft has pretty much abandoned Essentials now, and so I highly doubt that you’ll ever see any new or enhanced functionality added to it in the future.
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