Best Practice to Migrate 2016 Essentials to 2019 w/ WSEE


After reading the post and comments on Installing WSEE on 2019 to plan my move, I’m a bit confused on what exactly is the best practice approach.

I am going from a 2016 essentials server to a 2019 standard server with WSEE on new iron and then decommissioning the 2016 server. I’m not an IT pro and this is a bit intimidating to a home user. My plan of attack is to:

Install 2019 standard on the new server with a static IP.

Join existing network as a member.

Install WSEE on 2019 server.

Migrate Active Directory  to new server.

Decommission old server.

Connect workstations to new server.

My questions are:

Is this the correct order and best practice? If not, what should I do?

Any advice or guides on migrating the Active Directory and other needed roles to the new server?

I saw that I should uninstall the connector software, set the skip domain join flag and reinstall connector. Anything else I need to do to get the workstations connected? My main concern is I do not want to disturb the user settings on the workstation.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

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Good Answer

Are you wanting to do an in place upgrade or an actual domain migration? Personally, I recommend that you start off with a new/clean install of Windows Server 2019 Standard and just install WSEE on it from scratch using the WSEE Installer.

However, if you’re set on doing a domain migration then see here and here. Otherwise, if you want to do an in place upgrade instead then see here.

If it were me, I’d probably go the in place upgrade route. Either way, make sure that you have a working backup of your 2016 Essentials server before you start (so that you can get back to it if needed).

Good luck!

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