Anywhere Access - Set up Domain Name


I am trying to follow your instructions on how to set up access to my domain,, but after I receive the trusted certificate in .PEM format from my SSL supplier (No-IP), I copied and pasted the text of the PEM file into the “Import the trusted certificate” window of “Set up your domain name.” The Anywhere Access wizard responded with “An error occurred while setting up your domain name.” The Dashboard log said:

DomainConfigWizard: Error occurred in Domain Manager Object Model operations: Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.RemoteAccess.Domains.DomainException:
[Reason:LocalProviderFailure, Message:
Failed to bind certificate to IIS, Detail:
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070520) ]

I checked to see whether my CSR was exportable, and that box in MMC was checked.

Any suggestions?

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Alas, I’ve never seen a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) answered back in PEM format. I’ve only ever seen the granted certificate issued back in CER, CRT, or PFX format (although admittedly I don’t have a whole lot of experience with certificate issuance I’m afraid).

It’s quite possible that the encoded format of the certificate is not in a format that the Essentials wizard is expecting. I’d try contacting the certificate issuer and see if they can deliver the certificate to you in a supported (CER or CRT) format instead. Otherwise you might want to try converting the certificate…

PEM, DER, CRT, and CER: X.509 Encodings and Conversions

What is a Pem file and how does it differ from other OpenSSL Generated Key File Formats?

Other than that, you may want to try an Internet search to see if you can locate anyone else who has come across the same problem before.

I’m sorry that I can’t be of more help for you on this one.

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I succeeded in getting my SSL certificate installed in MMC/Certificates, converted to a *.PFX format, and installed by the Anywhere Access wizard. I was then able to run the Work Folders setup procedure on the server, and it installed the proper port forwarding on the router to <my IP address>:8443. says that this port is not being blocked by a firewall.

I can’t install WorkFolders on my client computers, because my server name could not be resolved (see client setup error image).

When I tried to go directly to <my IP address>:8443 with Firefox, it told me there was a problem with my SSL Certificate (see problem with certificate image), which Firefox and Edge browswers said was good for my URL, but not for my IP address.

This may be a certificate problem, rather than a WSE WorkFolders problem, so I’m going to inquire about it with, my certificate provided, and see what they say.

Any suggestions on this?

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The answer to this one was simple: by changing how the DNS server address is found—from using the specific DNS server addresses of (my server), with (my router) as secondary, to obtaining the DNS server address automatically. With this change, the server was found. I did succeed in getting past one or two more obstacles, so now WSE Work Folders is performing as it should.

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